Most younger individuals try hard to protect their skin from the sun and take other steps in order to maintain a youthful appearance and healthy skin. However, there comes a time in everyone’s life when at-home care is simply not enough in order for a person to look their best. Thankfully, there are a variety of cosmetic treatments that a person can use in order to reduce the signs of aging and help a person to look vibrant. For individuals who are dealing with dynamic wrinkles, Dysport® injections may be right for them.
Dysport® is very similar to BOTOX®. The very first thing that would make a person a good candidate for Dysport® is that they have the right kind of wrinkles to treat. Sometimes when a person looks at their face, they think that all of their wrinkles are the same. However, there are two types of facial wrinkles that a person can have. First, there are static wrinkles. These are the kind of wrinkles that are on your face no matter what expressions you make. Static wrinkles come as a result of the natural aging process as a person’s skin loses elasticity and as a person loses facial volume.
The second type of wrinkles that a person sees on their face are dynamic wrinkles. These are the wrinkles that you see when you squint your eyes, when you smile or when you make any kind of face that expresses disgust. Dysport® injections are perfect for individuals who are dealing with dynamic wrinkles.
The reason why Dysport® works on dynamic wrinkles is because it is injected right into the facial muscles. The ingredients in the Dysport® injections are used to relax these facial muscles. Of course, you will still be able to make normal facial expressions. You will not be left with a face that looks frozen. You will still have the same face and be able to make the same facial expressions, but you will not have the same deep wrinkles.
Another thing that would qualify you as being a good candidate for Dysport® injections is thoroughly understanding what the product will do for you. Sometimes people begin cosmetic treatments in order to completely change the way they look or in order to please other individuals in their life. Dysport® is not going to give you a new face. It is simply going to make you a better version of yourself. No one should ever get cosmetic treatments because they are being forced into it by someone else. It is a personal decision.
Good candidates for Dysport® injections are also individuals who enjoy relatively good health. When you come in for your first consultation at the office of Dr. Thomas Funcik, MD in Mount Pleasant, we will look closely at your health history and the condition of your skin. This will help us determine if you are a candidate for this injectable. Contact us today to schedule your appointment to learn more.